Videos and Pictures for your needs.

Real Estate, Weddings, Live Events, Sports, Private Events, Personal Photography, you asked and we will provide whatever you require.



The Ironman Hawaii 2023 All Pro Female Championship took place. We got some great shots of Athletes while volunteering for one of the Aid Stations. All Pictures are in Numerical Order based on Athlete Numbers. Enjoy !!!

Wedding Packages

Sports Packages
Sample Project

Packages include Pictures and/or Video footage taken during games of your choice. Specified documentary of a single Player or even a Season of an entire Team. The choice is yours. Promote your Player/Team and create Memories for a life time.

Real Estate

A few Pictures can make a difference in selling a home or not. A video can give you the advantage of a virtual tour, pointing out all the favorite attributes a buyer wants to see before even making his way out to see it. We offer multiple packages for your Real Estate Project.

Da Grass Hut

Da Ohana Home

Da Big Kahuna

Event Photography/Videography

Is It Pictures You’re After?

We can capture your Events, no matter what it is. Sports, School, Ohana, Racing, Parties and much more …

Is It Videos You’re After?

We can film your needs, regardless on what you throw at us, Parties, Racing, Sports, Cooking, Products, Music Video and much more …

Drone Services

We are Part 107 certified, licensed, registered and insured. In other words, we can do it and we will.

Give the Gift of Memory

Pictures and Videos are as thoughtful as the gift of flowers but last much longer. With a gift card, you can brighten up someone’s special Event of their choice. A Gift Card can be used to either cover the expense of an entire Project or contribute towards an Event of their choice !