U18 Poly United vs Hilo Reign - FULL GAME

from $49.99

This is an MP4 file containing an assembly of Plays of the entire Game in 1920x1080p resolution. The processing of this file, until shipping to you, is 2 days. The Video File will be placed on a USB Flash Drive and will be mailed to your mailing address. This Video is registered to Paradise Pictures LLC and reproduction, copying or distribution and multiplication of this Video is illegal.

The Standard Version contains a visible watermark but is NOT blocking the View of the Game. Video in 24FPS

The Fully Licensed Version has no watermarks and gives the Owner Full Rights of the Video Material which is also added as a PDF file on the same USB Flash Drive. Video in 120FPS.

You can find a sample of the Video HERE.

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This is an MP4 file containing an assembly of Plays of the entire Game in 1920x1080p resolution. The processing of this file, until shipping to you, is 2 days. The Video File will be placed on a USB Flash Drive and will be mailed to your mailing address. This Video is registered to Paradise Pictures LLC and reproduction, copying or distribution and multiplication of this Video is illegal.

The Standard Version contains a visible watermark but is NOT blocking the View of the Game. Video in 24FPS

The Fully Licensed Version has no watermarks and gives the Owner Full Rights of the Video Material which is also added as a PDF file on the same USB Flash Drive. Video in 120FPS.

You can find a sample of the Video HERE.

This is an MP4 file containing an assembly of Plays of the entire Game in 1920x1080p resolution. The processing of this file, until shipping to you, is 2 days. The Video File will be placed on a USB Flash Drive and will be mailed to your mailing address. This Video is registered to Paradise Pictures LLC and reproduction, copying or distribution and multiplication of this Video is illegal.

The Standard Version contains a visible watermark but is NOT blocking the View of the Game. Video in 24FPS

The Fully Licensed Version has no watermarks and gives the Owner Full Rights of the Video Material which is also added as a PDF file on the same USB Flash Drive. Video in 120FPS.

You can find a sample of the Video HERE.